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Ever wonder what leadership looks like when you strip away the shoulds and supposed-tos?  Let this serve as your official invitation to come and explore through "Curiously Wondering" posts that spark perspective shifts,  "Mentations" that distill complex ideas into potent insights, and "Quips" designed to ignite instant reflection. And, who knows, you might even find a nugget of fools gold worth holding on to. I doubt it though ...


Silent Agreements

1.) Expectations of how life "should" unfold
2.) Clinging to past versions of myself
3.) Wallowing in regret over past mistakes
4.) Waiting for the perfect moment to begin
5.) The illusion of control ...

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Selfishly Unselfish

Serving others is the pinnacle of leadership.

Yet, it's not the starting point.

Walking the path of servant leadership without sufficient self-mastery too often leads to burnout and ineffective guidance. When we prioritizing curiosity, intentionality, and ...

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A Manifesto On Life

Life is here to be lived. Begging us to go all-in with wild abandon!

It's a choice to show up unbounded. A place where you're fully expressed, bringing all of who you are to each moment and interaction. You're not hiding, shrinking or contorting to fit someone else's mold. There's an ease and authenticity that ...

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Silent Agreements

1.) Expectations of how life "should" unfold
2.) Clinging to past versions of myself
3.) Wallowing in regret over past mistakes
4.) Waiting for the perfect moment to begin
5.) The illusion of control ...

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Selfishly Unselfish

Serving others is the pinnacle of leadership.

Yet, it's not the starting point.

Walking the path of servant leadership without sufficient self-mastery too often leads to burnout and ineffective guidance. When we prioritizing curiosity, intentionality, and ...

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A Manifesto On Life

Life is here to be lived. Begging us to go all-in with wild abandon!

It's a choice to show up unbounded. A place where you're fully expressed, bringing all of who you are to each moment and interaction. You're not hiding, shrinking or contorting to fit someone else's mold. There's an ease and authenticity that ...

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