Quiet Alarms

quiet alarms

In 2008, at the age of thirty, an alarm went off in my soul. I can't put my finger on the exact moment it happened, but I started to question things in life, the world around me, the Christian religion I was indoctrinated into at such a young age, my friends, and what was universally (or just my mom's viewpoint) 'good and bad' or 'right and wrong.

This awakening wasn't gentle. It was jarring, uncomfortable, and impossible to dismiss. Demanding my attention, I had a sudden urge to question everything I thought I knew, contemplating burning the ships down to make it all go away.

This was the beginning of my journey towards authenticity and self-discovery. One where I did not, I could not, go quietly into the night.

Years later, I’m still curious what other alarms have I been hitting snooze on.

Gradually, I'm learning to perceive the faint, early stirrings of change.

The pings. The chirps. The whispers.

*Italicized quotations are from Papercuts: The Art of Self Delusion


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