Long Lost Audacity
I recently read a dedication to a book that I did a double take on.
"This book was written for Brent Perkins (yes, myself). If I am able to help myself, then I have done all that I can. My deepest hope is that through my dedication to myself, And the work that only I can do, Somehow it touches others, Inspiring them to look inside, And do the work that only they can do."
Oh wait, that was me and that was my book.
A year ago, I would have scoffed at such a dedication. Self-righteous. Narcissistic. Who does this guy think he is?
But here's the truth: this book was written for that version of me. The one quick to judge, to dismiss, to avoid looking inward.
Because that's where the real work begins.
"All of us, and I'm mainly talking to you, Brent Perkins, are deluding ourselves around every turn, every interaction, every conversation, every... where."
This journey has shown me just how pervasive our delusions are - the stories we’ve told and sold to ourselves. How they color every aspect of our lives, often without us even realizing it. Some run deep, shaping our core beliefs. Others are surprisingly shallow, yet equally impactful.
The audacity of self-dedication isn't selfish. Nor is it selfless. It's about taking responsibility for our own growth, our own healing. It's about doing the work that only we can do.
And it leaves me wondering: what if we all had the courage to dedicate ourselves to our own growth - and only our own growth?
Boldly committed to my own unique journey…
*Italicized quotations are from Papercuts: The Art of Self Delusion
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